Upcoming Drop-In Children’s Programs

Winter Reading Club:

Monday, January 27 – Saturday, March 15.

Read to Me Club: Birth-5 Years
Read to your little one and encourage a life-long love of reading and learning while your infant/preschooler earns prizes for being a good listener! 

Kindergarten-Fifth Grade
Join the Reading Club and have fun earning prizes while improving your reading abilities and comprehension!  Stop by the Children’s Room to join, and for more information!

No registration required for any of the programs listed below:

Saturday Games
Saturdays,  March 1 and April 5
11:00 AM-3:00 PM
Pre-K through Fifth Grade w/parent
Come  by the Children’s Room and enjoy playing various games with family and friends

Drop in Surprise Craft Day
Monday March 3 and Wednesday, April 2
4:00-7:00 PM

Pre-K through Fifth Grade
Pop  into the Children’s Room and pick from an assortment of crafts from the magic bucket!.

Drop-In Play Date
Thursdays, March 13, 27 and April 3, 24
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Ages One through Five (Pre-K)
Meet up with friends, or make new ones, for yourself and your little one! We supply the toys – you supply the fun!

Imagination Station
Friday,  March 14
4:00 -7:00 PM
Pre-K through Fifth Grade 
Stop into Imagination Station and see what you can create with various crafting materials.

St. Patrick’s Day Scavenger Hunt
Monday March 17
4:00-7:00 PM

Pre-K through Fifth Grade
Search for Leprechaun treasure, earn a prize!

Favorite Literature Characters Scavenger Hunt
Monday April 7
4:00-7:00 PM

Ages 3-11
In honor of National Library Week, participate in a scavenger hunt in the Children’s Room! Find favorite characters from Children’s books, then turn in your check-sheet for a prize!

Drop in Games and Crafts
Wednesday, April 16
4:00-7:00 PM
Pre-K through Fifth Grade with Parent
Explore and play various board games and make some great crafts to take home! 



For a complete listing of ALL current children’s events, please visit the Library’s newsletter.